Monday, November 18, 2019

TEXT BOOK ANSWERS OF Words ending with ‘le’, ‘al’, ‘el’

Words ending with ‘le’, ‘al’, ‘el’

Pg 23 – 28

1. towel
7. twinkle
2. jungle
8. animal
3. circle
3. camel
4. sandal
9. needle
5. uncle
10. cattle
6. petal
6. pencil

  1. bubbles

  2. handle

  3. pebble

  4. wiggles and wobbles

  5. puddle

  1. sparkle

  2. local

  3. middle

  4. giggle

  5. total

  6. vehicle

  7. diesel
  1. physical

  2. gravel

  3. muddle

  4. simple

  5. cancel

  6. trouble

  7. vocal

  8. fumble

  9. shuffle

  10. candle

  11. buckle

Conduct the exercise as instructed in 

the Lesson Plan
  1. physical, essential, simple, beneficial




  1. Exercise is essential as it is good for health.

  2. a. essential b. ritual c. comfortable

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