Friday, January 31, 2020

Practice Sheet The Balloon Man.


 Fill in the blanks:

1.___________always comes on market days.

2.He never seems to think of ________.

3.we see the balloons shining in ____________

4.They ___________in the wind like anything.

Answer the following questions:

1.Where does the balloon man stand?
2.What are the colours of the balloons?
3.What do the balloons look like in the sky?
4.How high can balloons fly?
Give the opposites:




The Balloon Man notes

Answer the following:
1.          Who comes on market days?
Ans. The balloon man comes on market days.
2.          Where does the balloon man stand?
Ans. The balloon man stands in the market square.
3.          What does he hold?
Ans. The balloon man holds different coloured balloons tied with a string.
4.          What are the colours of the balloons?
Ans. The colours of the balloons are red, purple, blue  and  green.
5.           What happens to the balloons when there is a wind?
Ans. When there is wind the balloons tug and tug like anything.
6.          What do the balloons look like in the sky?
Ans. The balloons look pretty in the sky.
7.          Why  are the  balloons  seen  even  from  far  away?
Ans. The balloons are seen even from far because they are very colourful and shiny.
8.          What  does  the  poetess  hope  will  happen  someday?
Ans. The poetess hopes that someday the balloon man would let the balloons go. Then the poetess would stand and see them sailing high in the sky.
9.          How high can balloons fly?
Ans. They can sail too high.


Q1.  What are the 3 R's and what they mean?

Q2. Write the difference between Renewable and Non-renewable resources with examples.
Q3. Can we conserve natural resources, if yes explain how?
1. Reuse means using the things into a new way.
2.Natural resources are replaced/ restored faster than they are consumed.
3.All living beings are not completely dependent on natural resources.
4. Our dependence on natural resources is generating many environment related problems.
5.Non -renewable resources are a types of natural resources.



   15. Resources

Fill in the blanks
1. Natural resources are of great importance.
2. Coal, oil and petrol are used to increase our
3. Sunlight, air , water, soil , rocks, animals,
 plants, coal and minerals are natural resources.
Answer the following
Q1. What are natural resources? Give some example of natural resources.
Ans. Natural resources are the things that we can use and get from the nature. Sunlight, air, water, soil, rocks, animals, plants, coal and minerals are some examples of natural resources.
Q2. Name the types of Natural Resources.
Ans. There are two types of natural resources:
      a- Renewable Resource and
      b- Non-Renewable Resource
Q3. What are renewable resources? Give two examples.
 Ans. Renewable resources are the resources which are replaced naturally and are available in abundant. Examples -  Air, Water, Sunlight
Q4.  What are non-renewable resources? Give two examples.
 Ans. Non-Renewable resource is a resource that once consumed, cannot be replaced or it can be replaced very slowly by natural processes. Their stock or reserves are limited or fixed. 
Examples -  Coal, Petrol.

Q5. State the use of natural resources.
Ans. The uses are:
Natural  resources
used for food, paper, furniture, clothing, etc.
Such as cattle for food , dairy products and leather.
Rocks and minerals
For making metals, pottery, glass and ceramics.
Oil and Petroleum
Used as fuel and for transportation.
All plants, humans and animals use oxygen to breath.

 Q6. How can we conserve natural resources from depletion?
Ans. We can conserve our natural resources by u
sing them efficiently and effectively. We can also follow the 3R’S.
Q7. What do the 3 R's mean?
Ans. I)-Reduce- throw less waste
  ii)-Reuse- use the things into new way
 iii)-Recycle- Turn something old into something new.
Q8. Our dependence on nature is generating many environment related problems. List two problems.
 Ans. i-More pollution due to deforestation,
         ii-Water scarcity
Q1. Conservation of natural resources is important.
Ans. Our consumption of natural resources is very fast. It cannot be restored back in the environment with same speed and thus all our natural resources is depleting and nothing will be left for the future generation. So, it is necessary to conserve our natural resources.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Workbook and Notebook Work of 'oar''our''ire''ore''oor'

ore’, ‘our’, ‘oar’, ‘oor’, ‘ire’
  1. roar
  2. more
  3. door
  4. shore
  5. pour
  6. chore
  7. soar

  1. hour
  2. flour
  3. sour
  4. devour

  1. court
  2. floor
  3. snore
  4. board

  1. chores, roar, neighbourhood, ours, soared, boar, hoarse, sore
  2. A wild boar was chasing the mob of people.
  3. a. chore b. hoarse c. nurture

Note Book work

Word list for reference

ore           our              oar       oor          ire
chore       four             roar       door        fire
shore        pour           soar       floor        shire
folklore   court           boar                       tire
bore         mourn        board                      hire
more        detour      hoarse  
score        source     oar  
tore         ourselves    
snore        course    

Note: There are some ‘our’ words which makes the /er/ sound. They are armour, favour, glamour,
colour, valour, vapour, splendour, flavour

Other Exception

Sour, hour, flour, devour

Symp Textbook Ans and Notebook work of Ind and Ild

Eng Practice Sheet Am Is Are

Eng Practice Sheet Asking Questions

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

practice sheet Socrates

Socrates-  the triple filter test


  1. Socrates was a Greek ___________.

2. Socrates was praised by everyone for his ________.

3. An ____________ wanted to tell Socrates some news about one of his friends.

4. Socrates wanted to take the ______ filter test of the news.

5. The first test of triple filter test was ______.

·      Answer the following questions:

1. What did the acquaintance want to tell Socrates?
2.What reply did Socrates give him?
3.What is the moral of this story?

4.Find the opposites of these words:



Friday, January 17, 2020

क्रिया Practice Sheet Grammar

Practice Sheet

Subject –हिंदी                                           Topic –  क्रिया

Grade – 3 Div : ______      Roll No :_______       Date :___________            

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में से क्रिया शब्द छाँट कर लिखे -:

१.          राधा नाच रही है ।
२.         मैं और मेरा भाई पढ़ाई कर रहे है ।
३.         राजू सो रहा है ।
४.         रानी गाना गा रही है
५.         मैं खेल रही हूँ ।
६.        माँ खाना बना रही है ।
७.        मोहन गाड़ी चला रहा है ।
८.         चूहा बिल में घुस गया ।
९.         बच्चे खेल रहे है ।
१०.    मैं झूला झूल रही हूँ ।
११.    मोहन भाग रहा है ।
१२.    राम किताब रख रहा है ।

जैसे को तैसा NOTES ( LEHER )

जैसे को तैसा

प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए-:

प्र.) गाँव में किसका उपद्रव बढ़ गया था?
उत्तर- गाँव में चूहों और चोरों का उपद्रव बढ़ गया था।

प्र.) हरिया कैसा किसान था?
उत्तर- हरिया बुद्‍धिमान किसान था।

प्र.) हरिया ने रखवाली के लिए किसे पाला?
उत्तर- हरिया ने रखवाली के लिए एक कुत्ते को और एक बिल्ली को पाला।

प्र.) रात में खुद को सुरक्षित रखने के लिए कुत्ता और बिल्ली कहाँ सोए?
उत्तर- रात में खुद को सुरक्षित रखने के लिए कुत्ता पेड़ के नीचे और बिल्ली            पेड़ पर सोयी।

प्र.) बिल्ली कैसी थी?
उत्तर- बिल्ली चतुर थी।

प्र.) इस पाठ से क्या सीख मिलती हैं?
उत्तर- इस पाठ सेजो जैसा दूसरो के साथ करता है उसे भी वैसा ही फल             मिलता है ।यह सीख मिलती हैं।

 जैसे को तैसा

प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए।

प्र.) गाँव में किसका उपद्रव बढ़ गया था?
उत्तर- गाँव में चूहों और चोरों का उपद्रव बढ़ गया था।
प्र.) हरिया कैसा किसान था?
उत्तर- हरिया बुद्‍धिमान किसान था।
प्र.) हरिया ने रखवाली के लिए किसे पाला?
उत्तर- हरिया ने रखवाली के लिए एक कुत्ते को और एक बिल्ली को पाला।
प्र.) रात में खुद को सुरक्षित रखने के लिए कुत्ता और बिल्ली कहाँ सोए?
उत्तर- रात में खुद को सुरक्षित रखने के लिए कुत्ता पेड़ के नीचे और बिल्ली पेड़ पर सोयी।
प्र.) बिल्ली कैसी थी?
उत्तर- बिल्ली चतुर थी।
प्र.) इस पाठ से क्या सीख मिलती हैं?
उत्तर- इस पाठ सेजो जैसा दूसरो के साथ करता है उसे भी वैसा ही फल मिलता है ।यह सीख मिलती हैं।