Sunday, March 1, 2020

Evs-The beginning of time notes

The Beginning of time
Word galaxy
4)Indus valley civilization
8)Anno domini
*Name the following:-
1)Very old societies that developed on the banks of river Indus   - Indus valley civilization
2)Relatives  typically older than  grandparents -   Ancestors
3)The systematic record of significant events of history   -  Timeline
4)Any event taken place in the past  - History
5)People who gather information & study about the past  - Historians
Q1. Answer the following question:-
Q1-What does the term Caveman means?
A-Thousands of years ago when man was a monkey, lived in caves. He wore clothes made from leaves and barks of trees, ate animal meat and fruits.
Q2-How is timeline useful?
Ans-A timeline is an easy way to remember events  happened in past. It makes a complete picture of our history.
Q3-What are important events called?
A-The important events are called Milestones.
Q4-How the birth of Jesus Christ is marked on timeline?
A-The birth of Jesus Christ is marked as the year 1AD on timeline.
*Parts of timeline
BC  -Before Christ
AD  -Anno Domini
*New terms to represent timeline
CE – Christian or common Era
BCE – Before Christian or Common Era

   Give reasons.
1.   150 BCE comes before 100 BCE  on the timeline.
Ans. In BCE, the years are counted backwards. The events happening in 100 BCE will come after the events that happened in 150 BCE.
2.Timeline is important.
Ans. A timeline is an easy way to remember events in History where a series of events are written in chronological order.

*Draw the Timeline
(0, 5BC, 5AD, 10BC, 10AD, 15BC, 16AD)

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